
Legislative building to re-open to public on April 15

Riley Snyder
Riley Snyder
The Nevada Legislature Building

After two months of keeping the building closed to lobbyists and members of the public, the Legislature will reopen its doors in a limited fashion starting next week.

In an email sent late Friday, Legislative Counsel Bureau Director Brenda Erdoes announced that the physical Legislative Building in Carson City would be reopened to lobbyists or members of the public on an appointment basis starting on Thursday, April 15. The building has been closed to everyone save staff, lawmakers and a small press pool since the session started in February.

“We look forward to welcoming people back to the Legislature and appreciate the cooperation everyone has shown so that we can maintain a safe environment,” Erdoes said in an email.

Entry to the building will be limited — individuals will need to make a reservation through the Legislature’s website to either attend an in-person committee meeting, or meet with a legislator in person. Reservations will need to be made at least 24 hours in advance, with attendance at committee hearings limited, and lawmakers allowed to meet with only one person per day in-person.

Individuals entering the building will also need to go through a metal detector — another security feature implemented for the first time this legislative session.

Anyone who enters the legislative building will either have to first submit to a free COVID-19 test or present proof of vaccination. The LCB is also offering free Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 vaccines to people visiting the Legislature.

Many Republican lawmakers have chafed at the continued closure of the legislative building, though Democratic legislative leaders have said they wanted to wait for staff to be vaccinated before opening the building up to the public. Most legislative staff and lawmakers received their final vaccination shot two weeks ago.