Introducing the Sisolak Promise Tracker

There’s a saying that politicians campaign in poetry, but govern in prose.
The first part of that saying is true for Steve Sisolak, who made a litany of promises and pledges in the roughly 16 months between announcing his gubernatorial candidacy and becoming Nevada’s first Democratic governor in two decades on Election Day 2018.
With the 2019 Legislature about to begin, Sisolak will now have the opportunity to deliver on many of his promises, including pledges to raise teacher salaries, allow state workers to collectively bargain and finally implement a stalled gun sale background check ballot initiative.
Many of the new governor’s campaign pledges were reiterated or referenced in his first State of the State address in January and at an IndyTalks event last month. But others, including a promised ban on assault weapons or signing a pledge to uphold international climate agreements, have gone unmentioned over Sisolak’s first month in office.
To provide accountability for Sisolak’s campaign promises, The Nevada Independent is launching a new feature; a “Sisolak Promise Tracker” listing dozens of promises made by the governor during the campaign and in his State of the State address.
Each tracked promise will indicate whether the statement came during the campaign or after being elected, a link to the source and when our rating was last updated. Promise ratings, or categories, are sortable by topic area and statuses include “Not yet addressed,” “In progress,” “Compromise,” “Complete” and “Failed.”
Many of Sisolak’s promises require legislative action and likely wouldn’t be accomplished until the end of the 120-day legislative session in early June. The Nevada Independent will regularly update the promise tracker, and occasionally publish stories during the legislative session highlighting major progress or changes in the governor’s stated goals.
If you have questions, see something that doesn’t look right or want to know more about why a promise is graded a certain way, feel free to reach out by emailing [email protected] or through our contact page.
To view the promise tracker, click here.