
Indy Video: Dina Titus talks Yucca and immigration, doesn't rule out Senate bid

Riley Snyder
Riley Snyder
Michelle Rindels
Michelle Rindels
Megan Messerly
Megan Messerly
EnergyImmigrationLegislatureYucca Mountain

Democratic Rep. Dina Titus says she’ll make a decision on a U.S. Senate run by early summer and promised to continue efforts against federal attempts to revisit a possible nuclear storage site at Yucca Mountain.

The longtime Nevada Democrat told The Nevada Independent that she’s still weighing her odds against Republican Sen. Dean Heller after stopping by the Legislature on Tuesday, saying she thought state demographics favored Democrats in 2018.

“It’s hard for me to leave my district, it’s a good Democratic district,” she said. “I’d hate to give that up, but sometimes opportunities just present themselves.”

Titus also updated lawmakers on Tuesday on what she called the chaos of Congress and encouraged Nevadans to unite against Trump Administration policies.

“I’m not going to lie to you. The halls of Congress are rife with partisanship. The rhetoric is very intense. The nation is divided. The wounds of the last election haven’t really scabbed over yet,” Titus told lawmakers in Carson City, adding that “the first 100 days of this administration have been like scenes from bad political movies.”

Like most other members of Nevada’s congressional delegation, Titus decried Trump’s inclusion of Yucca Mountain in his preliminary budget and blamed representatives from other states for trying to foist their nuclear waste on Nevada.

“We’re just going to have to suck it up, hold hands and work together on issues that will shape our future,” she said.

She also argued Nevada should stand up against “any attempt at so-called health care reform” that would undermine the state’s Medicaid expansion, and keep the state’s tourism industry strong by reforming the immigration system and opposing travel bans.

After her speech, the congresswoman sat down with The Nevada Independent to talk about immigration enforcement, marijuana policy, recent allegations of noncitizens voting in Nevada in the general election, her own political future and more.

Watch the interview here: