Clark County union war with state parent escalates

The Clark County Education Association has ratcheted up its war with the Nevada State Education Association with a new, scathing video.
The conflict already was intense during the session, with CCEA boss John Vellardita saying NSEA would be "out of business in two years" and threatening to pull funding from the state organization, which still could happen. But the video takes it a step -- actually several steps -- further.
In the video, CCEA takes credit for getting the weighted-funding formula bill passed -- a measure that added $72 million for struggling kids. And then it mocks NSEA for supporting an infusion of $20 million into the Opportunity Scholarships, a tax credit program that was part of a final deal that did not include the more substantial school choice program, Educational Savings Accounts.
The video also accuses NSEA of not supporting teachers by splitting with CCEA on a bill that could have increased some teachers salaries.
"Why are we funding NSEA," the video, which was sent to CCEA members last week, concludes.