Are Nevadans allowed to carry guns?
Adult Nevadans who are not legally prohibited from gun possession can generally carry an unconcealed gun (also called “open carry”) in many locations without a permit, or a concealed gun with a permit from their local sheriff.
Nevada law prohibits open or concealed possession of a firearm in certain locations, including public schools and colleges, child care facilities, airports, legislative buildings, and federal facilities. Posting a “no guns” sign does not necessarily render a building or park gun-free, because these signs typically apply only to concealed guns.
A Nevada sheriff shall issue a concealed carry permit to someone not legally prohibited from possessing a gun who completes an approved gun safety class, background check and other required steps. Nevada recognizes concealed carry permits from 29 other states.
Nevada requires background checks for commercial and private gun sales.
This Fact Brief is responsive to conversations such as this one.
Shouse Law Group Nevada Open Carry Laws
Shouse Law Group How to Get a CCW Permit
Nevada Department of Public Safety Other states with CCW permits recognized in Nevada
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