Does Nevada have one of the lowest percentages of cropland in the US?
Nevada’s cropland, as a percentage of its total land, is the second lowest among states, according to the news wire Stacker, which analyzed 2019 U.S. Department of Agriculture data.
As of 2022, Nevada had 5.9 million acres of farmland, although only 814,000 acres were used to grow crops. The majority of Nevada’s farms are livestock ranches.
Nevada’s top crops are hay and potatoes. Alfalfa, used to feed livestock, is the state’s leading cash crop.
Although farming is Nevada’s third largest industry, it ranked 41st among states for agricultural revenues in the USDA’s 2021 state rankings.
The average soil quality in Nevada is a Class 4, which is classified by the USDA as having “very severe limitations that restrict the choice of plants or require very careful management, or both.”
Nevada’s ongoing drought presents challenges for farmers who require water to irrigate their crops.
This Fact Brief is responsive to conversations such as this one.
Stacker States with the most farmland
US Department of Agriculture 2022 State Agriculture Overview | Nevada
America's Heartland Nevada
US Department of Agriculture Farm sector financial indicators, 2021 state rankings
Acre Value Nevada Farmland Values and GIS Map
US Department of Agriculture US Land Use and Soil Classification
Nevada Department of Agriculture Economic Analysis of the Food and Agriculture Sector in Nevada 2021
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