Indy Congressional Tracker: Senate focuses on budget amendments, tax reform

Only the U.S. Senate was in session this week in Washington D.C., and the majority of congressional action was focused in one area — passing a federal budget plan.
Outside of a handful of nominations — including nominations of Callista Gingrich as ambassador to the Holy See and David Trachtenberg as a Defense Department undersecretary — the vast majority of votes this week took place on amendments to the major congressional budget bill, considered necessary to Republican plans to pass a major tax code overhaul before the end of the year..
Nevada’s two senators — Republican Dean Heller and Democrat Catherine Cortez Masto — found themselves on more opposite sides than not during the week, agreeing on only 8 of 29 votes taken.
The two senators both voted to confirm Gingrich and Trachtenberg and agreed on a handful of amendments to the budget bill, but otherwise split on most votes including several Democrat-led amendments designed to limit or cut back the effects of tax reform that would affect the federal deficit or restore funding cut from social programs such as Medicare and Medicaid.
The two senators did agree on a Heller amendment expanding child tax credits for middle income families, which unanimously passed the Senate on a 98-0 vote.
Both senators also lent their names to a variety of bills this week, and both signed onto a resolution condemning the mass shooting at a Las Vegas country music festival that left 58 dead and more than 500 wounded.
Heller co-sponsored bills calling for a constitutional amendment requiring congressional term limits, as well as the Senate version of a 20-week abortion ban. Cortez Masto sponsored the Senate version of the “Code Like a Girl” bill creating grant funding for programs aimed at encouraging girls to get into STEM career fields as well as well as the “Medicare X" bill backed by Democratic Sens. Tim Kaine and Michael Bennett that would create a “supercharged” public option in health insurance marketplaces.
Though the House was in recess this week, several members of delegation still co-sponsored pieces of legislation. Democratic Rep. Jacky Rosen co-sponsored California Democrat Ted Lieu’s SWAMP FLYERS Act, which would prohibit Cabinet members from using public funds on non-commercial flights.
Check out The Nevada Independent’s congressional vote tracker and other information below to see what measures our state’s delegates threw their support behind this week.
Legislation sponsored:
- S.Res. 292 - A resolution condemning the brutal and senseless attack at a country music festival in Las Vegas, Nevada, honoring the memory of the victims of the deadly shooting, offering condolences to, and expressing support for, the families and friends of the victims and all of the individuals who were affected by the attack, and applauding the dedication and bravery of law enforcement officers, firefighters, paramedics, emergency medical technicians, medical professionals, hotel security and staff, and community members in responding to the attack.
Legislation co-sponsored:
- S. 1922 - Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
- S.J.Res. 2 - A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relative to limiting the number of terms that a Member of Congress may serve.
Legislation sponsored:
- S. 1968 - A bill to direct the National Science Foundation to award grants to encourage young girls to participate in computer science and other STEM activities, and for other purposes.
Legislation co-sponsored:
- S. 1595 - Hizballah International Financing Prevention Amendments Act of 2017
- S.Con.Res. 26 - A concurrent resolution authorizing the use of Emancipation Hall in the Capitol Visitor Center for the unveiling of the American Prisoners of War/Missing in Action (POW/MIA) Chair of Honor.
- S.Res. 292 - A resolution condemning the brutal and senseless attack at a country music festival in Las Vegas, Nevada, honoring the memory of the victims of the deadly shooting, offering condolences to, and expressing support for, the families and friends of the victims and all of the individuals who were affected by the attack, and applauding the dedication and bravery of law enforcement officers, firefighters, paramedics, emergency medical technicians, medical professionals, hotel security and staff, and community members in responding to the attack.
- S. 1970 - Medicare-X Choice Act of 2017
- S. 1985 - A bill to repeal the rules issued by the Department of the Treasury, the Department of Labor, and the Department of Health and Human Services entitled "Religious Exemptions and Accommodations for Coverage of Certain Preventive Services Under the Affordable Care Act" and "Moral Exemptions and Accommodations for Coverage of Certain Preventive Services Under the Affordable Care Act".
- S. 1988 - A bill to streamline broadband infrastructure permitting on established public rights-of-way, and for other purposes.
Legislation co-sponsored:
- H.Res. 571 - Recognizing Filipino American History Month and celebrating the history and culture of Filipino Americans and their immense contributions to the United States.
- H.R. 3876 - SWAMP FLYERS Act
- H.R. 3897 - Gold Star Family Support and Installation Access Act of 2017
Legislation co-sponsored:
Legislation co-sponsored: