Laxalt signals he is in for governor with Wynn event

In the clearest sign yet that he is running for governor, Attorney General Adam Laxalt will attend a reception in his honor next month with the head of the Republican Governor's Association.
The May 11 event, hosted by Steve and Andrea Wynn at his eponymous Las Vegas resort, is headlined by Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who heads the RGA, and Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey, who is on the RGA's executive committee.
One subtle change on the invite, which you can see below, is that no longer do you see "Laxalt for attorney general" but "Laxalt for Nevada." There's a new logo, too.
This is no accident.
This may not be an official kickoff to his gubernatorial campaign. But it might as well be Laxalt's unofficial declaration of candidacy.
Wynn Invite by Anonymous QrwCyrae on Scribd