GOP super PAC reserves additional $1 million in ads for District 3 challenger Dan Rodimer

The Congressional Leadership Fund, a super PAC with ties to Republican leadership in the House, announced Monday that it reserved an additional $1 million in advertising for District 3 challenger Dan Rodimer, bringing its total general election investment to roughly $1.9 million.
Held by incumbent Democrat Susie Lee, the swingy District 3 has emerged as a target for national Republicans looking to undo gains made by House Democrats in the 2018 midterms. Though Lee won the seat by a 9-percentage point margin in 2018, the district broke for Trump by 1 point in 2016.
The large-scale investment from the CLF comes as part of a nationwide push to buoy competitive Republicans. The group has so far invested roughly $88 million in advertising in the 2020 election cycle.
The CLF buys are not the only dark money flowing into the race for District 3. The Nancy Pelosi-linked House Majority PAC reserved $3.5 million in Las Vegas ad-time in April, while the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee reserved an additional $2.1 million in May.
In District 3, CLF’s investment will come as a massive boost for the Rodimer campaign, which has so-far struggled to match record-setting fundraising hauls by Lee’s campaign. Through the second quarter of 2020, Lee’s campaign had roughly $2.4 million cash on hand, compared to just $253,000 for the Rodimer campaign.