Teacher's union endorses Sisolak, snubs former union president Giunchigliani

The top teacher’s union in Southern Nevada is endorsing Democratic gubernatorial candidate Steve Sisolak, snubbing fellow Democratic candidate — and former union president — Chris Giunchigliani.
In a statement sent Thursday, the Clark County Education Association said it was endorsing Sisolak, calling him a “pragmatic” leader who would help improve the state’s public education system.
“His strategic vision and fierce commitment to resolve public education issues are in alignment with CCEA’s objective in making progress for the 18,000 educators that teach in our schools,” the union wrote in a press release.
It’s the latest endorsement for Sisolak, who chairs the Clark County Commission and has received endorsements from retired U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, Rep. Dina Titus and several other trade unions, including the Southwest Council of Carpenters, LIUNA 872 and Teamsters Local 14.
"The Clark County Education Association and I are equally committed to guaranteeing that all of our schools, teachers and students are fully supported," Sisolak said in a statement. "I am thrilled to be working hand in hand with them to win this election and solve our education issues.”
It’s also a blow to fellow Clark County Commissioner and gubernatorial hopeful Chris Giunchigliani, who previously served as head of the teacher’s union.
Giunchigliani served as president of the CCEA between 1983 and 1987, and then as president of the parent union — the Nevada State Education Association — between 1987 and 1991.
NSEA president Ruben Murrillo said the union will make a decision on which candidate in the governor's race to endorse in the coming weeks.
Nevada’ primary election will take place on June 12.
Disclosure: Steve Sisolak ($1,000) and Christina Giunchigliani ($425) have donated to The Nevada Independent. You can view a full list of donors here.