Democratic super PAC makes Medicare spending focal point in U.S. Senate race in new ad

Focus: U.S. Sen. Dean Heller
Who's paying for it: Senate Majority PAC, the super PAC aligned with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer
Size of buy: Part of the super PAC’s ongoing seven-figure buy
When it starts: Oct. 25
Where it's running: Statewide
The gist: This new Democratic super PAC ad seeks to make Medicare a focal point in the U.S. Senate race after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell suggested last week that Congress needs to reform entitlement programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security to reduce the federal budget deficit. The ad includes a clip of Heller saying, “I have not or will not support legislation that does weaken Medicare,” and contrasts that against his vote in favor of a budget resolution to cut $473 billion from Medicare over the next decade.
“Now Dean Heller’s party bosses admitted there’s a plan to cut Medicare even further,” the ad says. “Dean Heller’s caved to them before and he’ll cave this time too because Dean Heller still puts his political party over your health care.”
Watch the ad below: