GOP governors PAC hits at Sisolak on property taxes

Focus: Democratic gubernatorial candidate and Clark County Commission Chair Steve Sisolak
Who’s paying for it: The Republican Governors Association, a PAC supporting GOP candidates for governor
Size of buy: RGA did not disclose the size of the ad buy
Where’s it running: Statewide
When it starts: Nov. 1
The gist: The ad is a collection of previous attacks made on Sisolak regarding his stances on taxes. In particular, the ad targets a statement Sisolak made to supporters earlier this year where he said, “one of the ways we’re going to have to pay for it, and people don’t want to hear it, is property taxes.”
The ad goes on to list a number of taxes and fees that Sisolak voted to increase during his time on the Clark County Commission and criticize him for doubling student tuition and fees at state universities — another frequent attack on Sisolak — before once again playing tape of Sisolak saying “property taxes.”
You can watch the ad here.