Heller urges Nevadans to vote for results in two new Spanish-language ads
Focus: U.S. Sen. Dean Heller
Who’s paying for it: Heller’s re-election campaign
Size of buy: The Heller campaign did not respond to a request about the size of the buy
When it starts: Oct. 19
Where it’s running: The campaign also did not respond to a question about where the ad is running
The gist: Heller’s campaign has released two new Spanish-language ads encouraging people to “vota por resultados” or “vote for results.”
One, titled “Pasando Leyes para Ayudar a Nuestra Comunidad” or “Passing Laws to Help Our Community,” says Heller has proposed and passed 100 pieces of legislation. The ad also says it is not enough just to try, but that you have to achieve results.
The other, called “Ayudando a Nuestros Empresarios Ayudamos a Nuestra Comunidad” or “By Helping Our Businessmen We’re Helping Our Community,” highlights the recent passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The ad says that helping businesses with tax breaks is a great result, not a promise, and that it will result in more people working and doing business.