Horsford's sister touts his character, commitment to education in latest television ad

Focus: Steven Horsford, Democratic candidate for Nevada’s 4th Congressional District
Who’s paying for it: Horsford’s campaign
Size of buy: His campaign said it’s part of a six-figure ad buy.
When it starts: Oct. 22
Where it’s running: Las Vegas
The gist: Horsford’s campaign has released a new 30-second television ad that highlights his devotion to family and education. His sister, Brooke Page, narrates the ad, which describes how the congressional candidate pitched in to help his family when finances were tight.
“During that time, Steven stepped up,” his sister says in the ad. “He held multiple jobs as a teenager. He wanted to make sure that we were given opportunities. And he would tell us: 'A good education is one thing that they cannot take away from you.'”
The ad also touches on Horsford’s commitment to vocational training.
Watch the ad below: