Reno boy born with a heart defect featured in new Rosen ad on pre-existing conditions

Focus: U.S. Sen. Dean Heller
Who’s paying for it: Rep. Jacky Rosen’s campaign
Size of buy: The ad is part of the Rosen campaign’s ongoing eight-figure buy
When it starts: Oct. 27
Where it’s running: The Rosen campaign declined to specify which market or markets the ad is running in
The gist: This new 30-second ad features a young boy named Dean from Reno who was born with a heart defect and his parents, Theresa and Briant. Rosen referenced the family during her debate against Heller last week when she asked the Republican senator to look them in the eye and explain why he “broke his promise” on health care and supports “slashing” protections for pre-existing conditions.
In the ad, Theresa and Briant explain that when they learned Dean would be born with a heart defect, it “shifted” their world and that he will live with the condition for the rest of his life. They say that they had a chance to talk with Heller in person and he “promised that he would vote to protect pre-existing conditions,” referring to Heller’s vote in July 2017 to advance a House proposal to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act to debate in the Senate.
“He caved to President Trump and did what he was told,” Briant says.
Watch the ad below: