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Firma Trump orden que niega asilo a quienes entren de manera ilegal al país

Luz Gray
Luz Gray
En Español

UPDATE: November 11, 2018

The United States Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) announced Friday that it filed a lawsuit in San Francisco court against an order signed this morning by President Donald Trump stating that those entering the United States illegally can not be eligible to apply for asylum.

The ACLU said it filed the lawsuit in order to annul the government's measure and prevent it from coming into force for the duration of the litigation, since the new order goes against the law and puts families in danger. "Neither the president nor his cabinet can overturn the clear mandates of our law," the ACLU said. "But that's exactly what they're trying to do. We'll see it in court. "

Congresswoman-elect Jacky Rosen speaks with reporters at the offices of the Nevada Democratic Party on Friday, November 9, 2018. (Photo: Daniel Clark / The Nevada Independent).

Nevada Democratic Congresswoman and US Senator Jacky Rosen said Friday afternoon in Las Vegas during an event with reporters that the situation of migrants should be treated as asylum seekers and that they should be shown empathy.

"There are about 5000 people there, we are a country of more than 300 million people, I think we have to do something, because I have seen pictures of people who come in this caravan, as the president calls it, they are women, they are children They are babies, "he said." Because if you see people who have traveled thousands of miles, they will come because they are running away from something so terrible for their families that they are willing to carry their baby on their back for a thousand miles. That says something about why they come. "


The administration of President Donald Trump released a new proclamation Friday indicating that those who enter the United States illegally may not be eligible to apply for asylum.

The order issued this Friday referred to the caravan of migrants, including families, who seek to reach the border with the American Union in search of asylum, which left Central America in mid-October, fleeing violence or poverty, and this morning he resumed his march from Mexico City to Tijuana .

The document indicated that the vast majority of the members of the migrant caravan, which the government referred to as the "most recent symptom of the broken immigration system," sought to enter the United States illegally and seek asylum despite not meet the requirements to obtain it.

The government indicated that the order will be valid for 90 days or "until the date an agreement allows the United States to remove foreigners to Mexico."

"We need people in our country, but they have to come legally and they have to be prepared, " Trump said before traveling to Paris . "We need the votes of the Democrats to pass new immigration laws."

A statement from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said Friday that the rule "does not apply to legal permanent residents or citizens of the United States. It does not limit the rights of unaccompanied foreign minors. "

El DHS agregó que el país no cerrará la frontera, ni negará asilo si los extranjeros que llegan a los puertos de entrada reúnen los requisitos para obtenerlo, y que personal en los puertos de entrada tiene que procurar un equilibrio en prioridades como facilitar el intercambio comercial legal, prevenir el contrabando de drogas, aprehender criminales y terroristas y asistir a quienes soliciten asilo.

La dependencia también señaló que hasta el momento no tenía contemplado construir más centros de detención en forma de tiendas de campaña para quienes entren al país de manera ilegal y que el gobierno estaba en comunicación constante con México y los países del llamado Triángulo del Norte para prevenir mutuamente “la migración en masa hacia los Estados Unidos a través de la frontera sur”.

Las autoridades informaron que a quienes se les haya negado asilo bajo la orden que se dio a conocer hoy podrían ser elegibles para formas similares de protección si tenían temor de regresar a sus países, pero estarían sujetos a limitaciones más estrictas.

El gobierno puntualizó que la norma respondía a proteger el interés nacional y a mantener la efectividad de su sistema de asilo porque se encontraba saturado “con demasiadas solicitudes sin fundamento de extranjeros que imponen una carga tremenda en nuestros recursos, lo que nos impide poder otorgar rápidamente el asilo a quienes realmente lo merecen”.

El Departamento de Seguridad Nacional ya había anunciado este jueves que publicaría la nueva regla en el Registro Federal hoy viernes, indicando que todos los solicitantes de asilo deberán acudir a los puestos de entrada oficiales para que sus peticiones se puedan atender de manera eficiente.

El gobierno agregó que el primer mandatario tiene la autoridad de suspender o restringir la entrada de extranjeros a los Estados Unidos si él determina que hacerlo está dentro del interés nacional, y que, de no tomarse acciones inmediatas solo se estaría alentando la “migración ilegal masiva adicional y se abrumaría más el sistema de asilo”.

A unos días de las elecciones de medio término en el país, Trump dijo que enviaría tropas a la frontera con México para apoyar a la patrulla fronteriza ante la eventual llegada de la caravana.

Nevada Democratic Senator Catherine Cortez Masto said in a statement on Thursday that the new rule of the Trump administration was an additional obstacle for Central American migrants fleeing violence and that it undermined the US tradition of providing shelter to the needy.

"From tearing the children from their parents' arms to trying to deport the working families of TPS who live and work in our country for decades, to attack the DREAMers who know no other home than the United States, this President continues attacking the most vulnerable, "said Cortez Masto.

Reporter Riley Snyder contributed to this note.



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