In new ad, Republican AG Association takes aim at Ford’s credentials, past

Focus: Democratic attorney general candidate and state Sen. Aaron Ford.
Who’s paying for it: The Republican Attorneys General Association
Size of buy: Six-figures; part of a larger $2.5 million ad buy set to run through Election Day
When it starts: Oct. 2
Where’s it running: Reno, both on broadcast and cable TV
The gist: Using courtroom imagery, the ad begins with footage of Ford at a legislative meeting where he says that, “not being a criminal lawyer, [he] can’t speak to what ‘larceny’ even means.” The ad goes on to define larceny, the legal term for burglary, as “stealing” and “theft” before detailing news reports that Ford was arrested multiple times in the 1990s during his time as a college student in Texas.
That specific theft charge came from an incident where Ford failed to pay for a replacement tire on his car.
Watch the ad below: